Saturday, September 24, 2011

Walls of Text! Activate!

Sometimes, I feel like I want to go on a rant about something. Anything. Yet, it's usually something so unimportant and unrelated to most things that I can't bring it up in a conversation without starting a random tangent. So, with this new blog, that will one day be part of a full website, I will rant about pretty much anything I want because I feel like it. Will everything be rants? No, sometimes I'll tell stories. I like telling those two. Sometimes I'll give ideas, just please don't steal them in a way that you will end up making money that should be mine. I may review something (movie, book, videogame, food product, anything. Just remember, I'm not a professional). I can also answer questions, spread news, ask for advice, brag about awesome stuff like the laptop I may get soon. So yeah, let's start.

For this first post, I'll tell you a bit about myself. Internet companions, in the real world, my name is Joe. Real World companions (though I doubt any of you are reading this), on the internet my name is Electromagnet, or Electromagnet427 when regular Electromagnet is taken (42 = Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. 7 is generally regarded as a lucky number, so I just throw them together). Well, that was almost an entire paragraph on just my name, so how about  I give facts in bullet form instead.

My favorite:
  • Book Series: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Comic Book Series: The Defenders
  • Movie: E.T.
  • Band: The Protomen
  • Video Games: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Mega Man II, and Cave Story
  • Food: Fried Calamari
  • TV Show: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (That's right, I'm a Brony.)
  • Hobby: Building things (usually Legos, but I'm just getting into electronics)
  • Animal: Manta Ray
  • Extinct Animal: Flying Lizard
  • Political Party: None
  • Sport: Scuba Diving
And, I guess that's enough to get started with. I hope you all find this blog interesting, because I don't want to be typing for no reason.

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